Monday, September 29, 2014

Gender Ideology

The most fearful creature with an indesribable power of destroying families and all Christian Values among Polish people. It will be the cause of the end of the world eventually.

How it is seen by an average Polish family:

And what it is in reality:

My country, so lovely.


Country of absurd and nonsense.
Country dominated by saint people in black.
Country where priests know everything better than pope.
Country where for insulting catholic feelings you can go to jail, but if your beliefs are different or - even worse - you are an atheist, you can be insulted in all possible ways. And no one cares.
Country where you go to jail for stealing a waffer worth 2 zł, but where drunk drivers and pedophiles are released.
Country where criminals are becoming national heroes.
Country where rape is always a woman's fault. Where woman is treated like a tool to produce kids. Where abortion is the worst sin while the fetus, especially terminally ill fetus, is treated like a god. And in a moment of being born its privileges are reduced to zero. And no one asks about its life or about capabilities of the family.
Country where you have to be a white straight catholic male to enjoy the freedom that was obtained 25 years ago when we finally "destroyed comunism".

Country where I live.

I was planning to start the project for some time.
I am going to translate news and put it here. I am not going to put my personal thoughts about them, but it might happen.

I dedicate this blog for all foreign people who want to know more about Poland.

I want more people to know.